A Simple Summer Pasta with Cherry Tomatoes, Mozzerlla, and Basil

The other day I was craving pasta, but didn't want anything too heavy. I wanted something fresh, flavorful and filling which led me to my interpretation of a caprese pasta. I cannot express how flavorful this dish was. Fresh basil and cherry tomatoes are scrumptious on their own, add mozzarella and pasta with a bit of olive oil and garlic… chef’s kiss!

Let's get to the good stuff!


  • 3/4 of a box Mezzi Rigatoni (I was in the mood for a short pasta, but you could use any pasta you prefer) (reserve about 3/4 cu water from cooked pasta, to be set aside for later)

  • 10 oz Cherry Tomatoes

  • 8 oz Mozzarella Ciliegine

  • Handful of basil - roughly chopped

  • 2-3 cloves garlic

  • 1 tsp red pepper flakes

  • 1-2 tbsp olive oil

  • Salt and Pepper to taste

  • Sprinkle of Parmesan cheese at end



  1. Cook the pasta - following the directions on the box until al dente

  2. Add olive oil to cooking pan, wait until it heats up slightly. Add garlic, red pepper and salt and pepper for taste. Sauté garlic for about 5 minutes until slightly brown

  3. Add tomatoes. No need to cut or quarter. Sauté the tomatoes for about 10 minutes until they are soft and tender and about to burst or partially burst.

  4. Add tomato mixture in with pasta. Add in mozzarella and basil. Add a bit more olive oil and reserved pasta water.

  5. Stir until well combined

  6. Add more salt and pepper to taste

  7. Serve on plate and top with parmesan

This dish stemmed from shopping my pantry and thinking about what flavors I really wanted. There is something so warm and inviting about a pasta, but sometimes in the summer you don't want a heavy sauce. This dish is great because you get all the flavors of a creamy pasta but don't have the weight of the sauce. The balance of basil, tomato and mozzarella are hard to beat. Also, it's a quick dish. Perfect for making up in the middle of the week. It's also versatile, like so many of my recipes are. You can dress it up with more protein or balsamic drizzle.

I hope you enjoy!


The Edingburgh series


A Reunion Of Ghosts by Judith Claire Mitchell