A Trip to Pleasure Island

Like all Southern cities, New Orleans is a scene of the past. The past being the antebellum south when slavery was the law of the land with limited regulations on buisinesses.

You see it everywhere you go… Old historical hotels, restaurants, and buildings at large. All steeped in rich history. The only problem is the luxury lies in the past, not the present.

The city is full of these amazing historical buildings, littered with trash and drunkenness. In New Orleans constant drinking is allowed, if not heavily encouraged.

As I was trying to enjoy my time there, I kept thinking how similar the city is to Pleasure Island from Pinocchio. You have this stark dichotomy of overabundance paired with abject poverty. People walking the streets overindulging in everything from food, to drink, to general pleasures, right alongside people struggling to survive.

For me, it was difficult to disassociate the two from each other. How could I enjoy myself with all the chaos and stress going on. So, if someone were to ask me if they should go to New Orleans, I’d say no…. But if you must go, go for two days and two days only. Anything other than that you’ll go mad.


A Guide to New Orleans if you Don’t Want to Drink


The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie