Book Clubs are for Reading Something New

I wanted to take a moment to write a bit about my book philosophy. I've been getting into bookstagram and have noticed the vast majority of the books are new. New meaning both bought and new as in straight off the press. While I understand that is a main purpose of a bookstagram - publishers promoting their new books, the other part is finding book inspiration. When everyone is talking about the same books, or same types of books it gets tiresome. And I don't know about you, but I get really sick of the same tropes. It's like watching reality TV - can be super enjoyable but after a while you feel like you're rotting.

So, I created my solo (for only a little while longer hopefully!) book club because I wanted to share my thoughts on books that were off the beaten path so to say. I wanted to find stuff that was written a couple years ago, or was a different genre than I normally read, or was a nonfiction book, and share my thoughts and create a community that was interested in not your run of the mill books.

Along with the lack of variety I've noticed in bookstagram, there's also a lot of new books shared via the accounts. While I love a new book as much as the next book lover, books are expensive. 20-30$ a pop and you're reading a couple a month? I wish I were that rich! Through my little club I hope to spark some passion for libraries! I get most of my books from the library - and all my books read so far have been from one. I either reserve a book and pick it up when it's ready or I'll wander the stacks and find random treasures. Honestly some of my favorite books are from wandering the aisles and picking up something that catches my eye.

So, here's to reading off beat books, random gems from libraries and even a new popular book here and there :)

Drop a comment of some books you've found in the library, or a book that went under the radar, or even a top selling book but it's been a few years! I can't wait to grow this community and share and learn from everyone!


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