It’s Been a Minute…

I failed on my promise to myself… what a way to enter the new year (insert face palm emoji here). I told myself I would write regularly and then somewhere in September I stopped. I was even good when I traveled! I wrote stories in advance to publish while I was gone… what happened!? Alas, I am here again to make a promise to myself, again, and write every day or close to it.

The intent for this blog has been ever changing and it appears it will be changing again. I just don’t know to what yet. But that will come with time. I want this to be an outlet for myself. I don’t want it to feel like work, and I think that’s maybe what the issue was. Honestly the work came when I brought in the social media of it all. I think I’ll keep publishing things on social media, but I’m not trying to be an influencer so not trying to post every day. That’s too much. I need to post in an authentic way that is true to myself and what I want to share.

So anyway long story short, I’m back to say I will be posting more regularly not sure what the content will be but I think it will be tied to my camera and just general thoughts. There will still be travel stories and book recommendations but there may be other posts as well. Who knows, only time will tell!


2024 in Books!


Alias Emma by Ava Glass