You Really Should Know Your Route Before You Run

As mentioned previously I am training for a 10k, then a half marathon in November. Part of the training was to run 5 miles today since the 10k is 2 weeks from tomorrow. I know my 3-mile route down pat and I have a decent 4 miles mapped out. But it became very clear to me today that I do not have a good 5-mile route.

One might say… well why don’t you run a mile or a half mile past where you normally run. Yes, great question, great thought process… That’s what I thought I did. Definitely did not.

I live about 2 miles from the lake in Chicago, so for my long runs I’ll typically run to the lake. For my 4 mile runs I run to the lake and back. Today I figured I’d run a half mile farther down the lake front to get to 2.5 miles then run the 2.5 miles back. Well… I definitely do not know what .5 miles looks or feels like.

I ran what I thought was 2.5 miles and then when I got to where my mile marker from home was, I realized I was only at 3.5 miles. Meaning, I did not run 2.5 miles to the lake and back. Meaning, I would need to pick up distance somewhere along the route. (Insert facepalm emoji here).

In the end, it ended up not being a big deal. I ran a block to the left when I normally go right. But it was killer to my mental strength. You know when you think you’re in the home stretch and then realize you have at least 10 more minutes… well that was me today and it sucked.

Next Saturday I’m meant to run 5.5 miles; however, I’ll be out of town and will need to run on Friday. Also… I’ll be out of town which means I need to find a new route. In a new city.

Wish me luck!!


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