I Said I’d Write Every Day…

Well, I said I’d write every day. Did not say they would be good. Or long. Or of substance, or quality. But here we are. I am writing.

Unfortunately, I have nothing profound to say or a creative spark to explore and honestly I am not feeling a journal prompt. So I’m going to leave it at that. This will have to suffice for my blog post today and hopefully I’ll think of something better tomorrow.

Ok wait, I do have something to say. My one (not one, there are many, but whatever) regret is not sticking with my “fashion” blog from back in college. It was prime blog time. Instagram was maybe around but no one had it. Facebook reigned supreme, so if you wanted to express yourself in a creative way you started a blog. Honestly I think I had some good ideas. It was just commentary on trends. But those were the blogs that took off. Who knows where I could be in my life if I had only stuck with it. Alas. (Not like my life is bad, I actually quite like my life but I digress). Anyway, I owe it to myself to keep this passion project alive. Obviously nothing will come from it. But I have thoughts and they need to be expressed damnit. Just not tonight, clearly ;).


The Moment


I Spoke Too Soon :(