I Spoke Too Soon :(

Beans are not for me. I am on this lovely weight loss health journey and have been trying to cut out about 500 calories from my diet a day from what my norm is, basically eat around 1,500 - 1,700 calories per day. One of the ways I have been trying to achieve that, while also feeling full, is by increasing my protein and fiber intake. I am not the biggest fan of cooking meat, so I've turned to more vegetarian style dishes ... hence beans. They are a great product, even though they are not for me. Filling, versatile, tons of nutrients. One downside, and this is a big one, they make me nauseous and bloated. Not really great when you're trying to lose weight. So although that meal I cooked yesterday was delicious, I did not feel too hot today and was only able to eat a bit for dinner.

Back to the drawing board for meals!

Of course, there is always the easy fall back of salads, but I want to expand my dinner options. I guess I am going to have to start cooking meat again. Honestly, I really think the only type of protein that properly fills me is meat protein, which sucks but you can blame my genetics for that one I guess... Mediterranean diet's not in my future it seems!

I used to cook chicken all the time and other meats sometimes as well but at some point I stopped. I either was over cooking the meat so it wasn't good, or I just got sick of what I ate. Either way I think it's time to revisit those old recipes. Lord knows what the future holds for me and my food journey (LOL) but beans are clearly not going to be part of the ride.

Also, side note, sodium really gets to me, apparently. I am so dehydrated. I felt this way after chickpeas recently so I've cut them out - but I guess it's all beans. UNFORTUNATE.


I Said I’d Write Every Day…


Well That Was Delicious