The Guidelines

In the previous dating series post I wrote down a few rules for myself. Rules I need to follow as we embark upon this dating journey. However, if I have rules… the potential partner (PP) needs to have rules too.

It’s hard to give rules to someone that doesn’t know about said rules. So, I’ll provide them with guidelines. Meaning, I’ll provide myself with guidelines of what I want to see from a PP.

The Guidelines: (There may be a few, sorry, but I’m picky. Strick that, I’m selective)

  1. They need to be funny and need to make me laugh.

  2. Someone that is not too loud (read: annoying), but someone that is also not a wall flower. A nice mix of both outgoing and reserved.

  3. Someone friendly and nice - to anyone, not just to me.

  4. They have to have stuff going on. That could be friends, family, work, random activities. They have to have a life. They cannot rely on me for a life, just like I should not be relying on them for a life.

  5. Someone that is not suffocating and that appreciates my need for alone time. Appreciates and allows me to have my alone time.

  6. Chill, but active. Someone that enjoys going out to concerts but also likes staying in.

  7. Someone that is not intense, and that doesn’t take themselves, or others, too seriously.

  8. Is more of a daytime person than a nighttime person.

  9. Someone that gets along with my family/ friends, and I get along with their family/ friends.

  10. They need to be at least my height, ideally, taller than me - so decently tall.

  11. They need to be able to hold a conversation. This includes both asking questions and answering them.

  12. Is someone that wants to live in the city. Not someone itching to get back to the suburbs.

  13. A planner.

  14. They need to pay for the first 2-3 dates.

  15. Someone that likes to travel. That could be internationally, domestically, locally. Just someone that likes to explore new places.

  16. Someone that likes to drink but is not a partier.

  17. They cannot be high maintenance, but they should take care of themselves.

  18. Makes me a priority but is also someone I want to make a priority in my life.

  19. Is goofy. Someone that likes niche things but isn’t outwardly nerdy. Someone where you have to dig to find out their goofy side. (Note to self, this may not be shown on for a few dates.)

  20. Enjoys cooking or likes going out to eat. Either way they need to be in to food. I need someone that enjoys eating - someone that lives to eat not eat to live.

  21. Someone that is fully formed. This is a big one…. someone that does not need mothering.

  22. Has personal style, is put together.

  23. Has passions and interests.

  24. Someone that takes charge and is assertive.

  25. Someone who is punctual.

Yes, it’s a lengthy list. But honestly, it’s not that crazy. I’m not really even talking too much about appearances. I’ll know I’ve found my person when I feel comfortable and can be my true self and I fully believe it will be when I find someone that ticks all the boxes listed above.

**As mentioned in the previous post, this list is subject to change**


A Swing and A Miss


The Rules