Paris: What I Would Not Do Again

Let me start by saying, there is literally nothing you can do that will not be enjoyable in Paris… but there are a few things that I personally wouldn't do again. Because I hate harping on negatives without contrasting with positives, first, let me start with the top 5 things I would do on my next trip and three I wish I did and will most definitely be doing the next time I'm in the city.

Top 5 Things to Do in Paris:

  1. Reims: Literally most amazing day trip ever - read all about it here!

  2. Gallery Lafayette: That stained glass ceiling?! Amazing.

  3. Printemps Roof Terrace: Private Views of the Eiffel tower?! Yes, please

  4. O Château: Wine tasting in the city, with amazing food. How could you say no?

  5. All the Food: Honestly, I would just do a food tour and nothing else next time


3 Things I Wish I Did:

  1. Dior or Yves Saint Laurent Museums: I didn't plan ahead, and I feel like I missed out on an experience I would not be able to get anywhere else.

  2. Disney Paris: Stupid, I know, and yes, very American. But it was less than an hour away and how cool would it be to say I went to Disneyland Paris!

  3. More Restaurants:  Bouillon Pigalle and Du Pain et des Idees, for example.

 OK Now on to the Bad. What I Wouldn't Do on My Next Trip


  1. Versailles: I personally got a bad day to visit Versailles. It was raining so I didn't get to properly explore the grounds because of weather. But even if it were nice I don't think I'd do it again, there are so many other things to see in Paris and other day tripos nearby that are either similar in price or cheaper. It took about an hour on train to get out there, then I had to wait in line to get in, even with prebooked tickets. Once I was done waiting in line, I was stuffed into the rooms shoulder to shoulder with the other guests. I couldn't really enjoy what I was looking at to be honest. Also, you really only walk through 3-4 rooms so there's not much to see on the inside. Personally, I'd rather spend my time and money elsewhere. Also, if you're in the US and want to look at pretty gardens go to the Biltmore in North Carolina, it is a bit of a pricey entrance fee, but you don't have to travel to Europe to get there.

  2. Champs Elysees: This one really surprised me. I was expecting a grand boulevard with tree line streets and an overall classic Parisian experience. What I got was a commercialized tourist trap that reminded me way too much of the mag mile in Chicago. To me there wasn't anything special about the street that you couldn't see in any other major American city.

  3. Miss out on Escargot: I think about how I missed out on an epicurean experience by not getting escargot daily! What was I thinking?! Read more about the dinner here - just know it was a mistake I will not be making again.

  4. Walk So Much the First Day: When I was recapping my trip, I was looking through photos and mapping out all I did. I surprised myself with how much I ended up walking that first day. I saw so much mainly because I had the time and it as a solo trip, so I dictated the events (read about my love of solo trips here) but I think I over did it because the next day I was beat. I ended up sleeping in until 11 or so, not like me at all! If I were to do it again, I would spread out my walking activities or at least sit and people watch a bit longer.


I'm curious to know what is on your never to do again list. What would you not do if you go back to Paris and what are some things that you definitely would do again? Can't wait to chat!


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