Thoughts on Solo Travel

I once read an article about a girl who moved to NYC and wanted to take a trip but none of her friends were available and she was single at the time so didn’t have a partner to go with. She looked at routes on the Amtrak and set her destination on DC, an easy 4 hour train ride away. The author figured it was an easy spot to check out for a weekend given the proximity to NYC and the walkability of the city. I read that article and was inspired. I had just recently moved to DC so didn't have a deep friend group and I was getting the itch to travel. I hadn't been to New York since I was in high school with my family so figured why not.

That first weekend trip was the beginning of my love story for solo travel. I realized I could be adventurous, I didn't have to rely on others to plan a trip and trips didn't need to be these long though out things… they could be spontaneous and short.

I try to do about one solo trip a year. My solo trips ground me, they recenter me, I'm able to take time for myself and just do what I want to do. Yes, travelling with others is so much fun and it's amazing to share experiences with people… but there is something so special about solo travel. My hope for everyone is that they get to experience solo travel at least once in their lives. The things you learn about yourself, the things you stop being afraid of, it truly is such a transformative experience.

So many cities lend to ideal solo travel spots. I typically do my solo travel in cities because I've found they lend themselves to the solo traveler. Wandering around city streets, shopping, checking out museums. All really easy to do on your own… one could argue more fun.

Some of my top cities for solo travel:

  • New York - I mean what could be better than going to New York for a quick weekend. Window shopping on 5th avenue, seeing a Broadway show, checking out a new restaurant that you can probably get in to without a reservation because you are just one person, and the place has a bar. Like come on dreams!

  • Paris- I did a week there solo - such an easy city to get around and I felt like people were friendlier because I was alone. I'll have a whole series coming up on this.

  • Portland, Maine - An easy city to navigate with beautiful views and fresh seafood.

  • Boston - this was actually an accidental solo trip, and only partially solo. My friends flight was delayed and I made the most of my time there.

All this to say… if you're thinking of taking a solo trip this is your sign to do it. It is honestly my preferred way to travel!


My Make-Up Routine: A Mix of Splurge and Budget Items


The Paris Series