The Paris Series

With the summer Olympics coming up I figured I'd do a Paris series for anyone travelling to Paris for the games, or interested in going to Paris in general. I did a solo trip last spring and let me tell you it was one of the best experiences of my life. It was my first international solo trip, other than travelling for work. I had done a few solo trips around the US, but there's a different level of difficulty when you travel solo internationally. My nerves were quickly squashed when I found out my flight seat partner was also a first time solo traveler. We quickly realized our reasons for wanting to travel were almost identical… we were both at a place in our lives where we needed a fresh start. I had just quit my job and had a month break before I started with my new company and wanted to get out and explore the world, she had been in a work rut as well and wanted to take time for herself. We both had the same conclusion, solo travel is the best way get the most out of a city. You get to be unabashedly selfish. Do exactly what you want to do, see the things you want to see, rest and relax when you want to. And maybe, find some fun like-minded people along the way.

PS, I literally just met this woman while we were on the flight. We first bonded over a guy boarding in front of us that was a bit stinky so we both hoped we weren't sat next to him… the convo developed from there. Add it to the list of reasons solo travel is amazing… you get to meet people you would NEVER interact with otherwise.

Paris was such a transformative city for me. I learned a lot about my self during that trip and with the Olympics coming up at the end of the month it's a perfect time to do a travel series dedicated to one of my favorite places. Through this series I'll share my favorite food spots, what excursions I paid for and what I did the drive by version of. I'll share the best day trip to Reims, France to see some champagne houses and do a few cellar tours. I'll also share my misses so you don't have the same experience, I did along with what I would do if I could go back. Every Saturday for the month of July, and maybe in to August, you'll get a new update on Paris.

I hope you find this guide useful… or maybe even inspiring to plan your own trip. For me there is nothing better than solo travel and I hope to spark a travel bug in you as well! Happy travels!


Thoughts on Solo Travel


Falafel Gyros