Pillow Talk

Why is it so hard to find a pillow???

Honestly, I would just leave it at that and see if I get any responses from the ether - because I think I need to have divine intervention to find the right pillow.

I have tried so many options: department store staples, online wunderkinds, high-end options, budget version …. They area all the same AKA awful. I'm sure I am partially to fault. I am literally the princess and the pea, I can feel everything when I sleep. So finding the right pillow will always be a struggle. But how have I come this far in life and not found one good one? I swear it's a conspiracy of big pillow to get you to keep buying more pillows.

I would love to know what the science is behind pillow making and finding that perfect match. I'm a side sleeper so I need something firm, but it can't be too firm or too bulky. At least with mattresses you can try them out for 30-60-90 days, sometimes up to a year. I understand that is a more expensive purchase, but have you looked at the price of a pillow recently?! They aren't cheap either. Especially if you want a decent one. Having to buy multiples a year adds up.

I would love to hear feedback on pillows you have used. Are you also having the same issues I am or am I just the moron that hasn’t found the magical pillow shop yet? Drop a note in the comments!


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