Quick and Easy Southwest Style Salad with Corn, Beans and a Spicy Dressing

OK this has got to be one of my most made recipes. I seriously think I have this once a week. It's just so easy to put together, and another versatile dish. It lasts forever and is a great combo of pantry items and fresh veggies.

Enough preamble let's get to the good stuff!


  • 1 can yellow corn (divided between plates)

  • 1 can black beans (divided between plates)

  • 1-2 handfuls of spinach

  • 1-2 mini cucumbers

  • 1/2 avocado

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Drizzle of olive oil

  • Drizzle of Siracha Mayo for dressing


  1. Open can of corn, drain and rinse. Set aside

  2. Open can of beans, drain and rinse. Set aside

  3. Place spinach on to plate

  4. Take 2-3 tablespoons of corn and 2-3 tablespoons of bean, add to spinach

  5. Cut cucumbers in to bite sized pieces - add to salad

  6. Cut avocado in to bite sized pieces - add to salad

  7. Drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper

  8. Top with siracha mayo for a bit of spice

That's it! Put it all together and enjoy! Sometimes I'll add tortilla chips for crunch or feta for a creamy bite. You could easily add chicken or ground beef or any other protein.

I really just love it because it's so easy. I can stock up on black beans and corn for whenever I am in the mood for something fresh and filling. This is also a dish that produces a ton of left overs. You can use the corn and beans to continue to make great salads or you can throw them in a quesadilla (link), the possibilities are endless!

I hope you find this as enjoyable as I do and can't wait to hear your feedback!



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