Strawberry Burrata Salad

Welcome to my food series… this chapter is about salads :)

I made the best salad yesterday. Actually, I make the best salads every day. I pride myself on my salads. Salads become dinner time staples for me in the warmer months and last night was no exception.

The Strawberry Burrata Salad has entered the chat - allow me to tell you about the process.

My method of cooking is very spur of the moment. If I am feeling something, if I have a taste for something, I will make it. Side note: this is why America needs better grocery stores with more fresh produce. If I could go to the store daily I would. Meal prep? Never heard of her.

With the weather being so lovely I was craving something fresh but packed with flavor. Hello Strawberry Burrata Salad!

I picked up some spinach, strawberries, cucumbers, and burrata at the store and got to work. I started with a bed of lettuce, chopped up some cucumber and strawberries and threw them on top. Drizzled with a bit of olive oil, and added salt and pepper. Then, I added the burrata. Drizzled with some balsamic vivnnegerate and topped with a dab of pesto for color. Man oh man was it everything you want in a salad. Fresh and crunchy, tart and tangy, and oh so filling. A perfect spring/ summer meal.


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