Not Too Shabby for Few Hours Sleep

Welcome to the running series! This is actually the second installment of the series, with many to come so buckle up :)

As I mentioned in my previous post, I am training for a 10k in less than 20 days, ahh!!

Today was my second short run of the week, I ran 3 miles. In an admirable time, for me at least, of 31 minutes and 30 seconds. I’d like to run the 10k in under an hour, but I think realistically I’ll come in just over an hour. I run in the city and don’t pause my tracker at lights, so I usually run a faster time on race day. But time will tell.

Man, oh man was it rough for me to get out of bed this morning and run. I have turned into a morning runner, which has been quite lovely actually. Getting up and out before everyone else and getting a bit of fresh air before starting the day has been wonderful. On the downside, I’m getting up at 6 ish in the morning to do my run by 7.

Whelp, definitely not the case today. I did not sleep well last night because I had an irritant in my eye that I could not get out (story for another time). So instead of falling asleep around 1030/ 11, I fell asleep around 12/ 1… AM.

Yes, I did set an alarm for 6 and yes, I did wake up to it, but I fell back asleep on and off until 8. I knew I had a call at 830 that I would have to take then had an hour break where I was going to squeeze in the 3 miles. Normally this 830 call is a quicky, never takes longer than 15 minutes. Of course, today’s the day where everything needs to be dragged out, so I got out on the road a little after 9AM. Let me tell you, I was sluggish.

I don’t know if the allergy medicine I took last night due to my eye issue caused drowsiness or I was just tired, but damn, I felt like I was walking through Jello. Luckily, it was cool outside, the weather definitely helped.

I started my run slowly at first. I had to stop after a block to fix my laces. I don’t think I tie my shoes properly - an article for another time too. Once the shoe was tied, I continued on my run. I was actually quite lucky this morning with the lights. Even though I had to stop at most, they weren’t for more than a few seconds each.

When I neared the last half mile, I was feeling really strong. I didn’t feel out of breath, and my legs felt like they could keep running. A fantastic feeling when you are a few weeks out from a 10k. I checked my time when I ended and my splits for the first two miles were pretty even, and for the last mile I dropped about 15 seconds off my pace. Love to see it!

My next run is Saturday… 5 miles!! Eek! I need to plan out my route because I hate running without knowing where you are going when I’m trying to run a specific set of miles. Honestly, I’ll probably talk about that process in the next running series chapter. It really does take so much work to figure out a good route!

That’s it for today. I felt good after the run, felt good with my time and I’m getting excited for the 10k!


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