Summer Mediterranean Bowl with Tzatziki Sauce

I try to cook a meal for myself at least once a week. Usually twice, depending on leftovers. Based on my schedule I normally cook meals Monday and this Monday I was really at a loss for what to make. I wanted something fresh and light since the weather has been hot as HELL, but I didn't just want a salad. I've been eating a lot and while I love a good salad, sometimes you want to mix it up. Enter what I am now calling the Summer Mediterranean bowl with Tzatziki Sauce.

This may be one of my new go-to dishes.  I must say, it is NOT a quick meal. I'm not sure if it was my lack of prep work, or maybe it just took me a long time to put together… it ended up taking almost an hour from start to finish. Which is way too long to spend on cooking a meal if you ask me.

This is another dish that could have so many substitutions. I used white rice because that is what I had, but you could easily swap for brown rice or couscous, or even quinoa. I also did a fried goat cheese, but you could do halloumi instead. To be honest, that's what I wanted to do but the grocery store was out, so I pivoted. There really are so many other things you could add on.

There are a few different groups to this meal. I'll break the ingredients down by classification then share the recipe for the whole thing.


Tzatziki Sauce (I actually ended up making this first so it could chill for a bit)

  • 1/2 cu grated cucumber

  • 1 cup Greek yogurt - whole milk

  • 1 tbsp lemon

  • 1/2 tbsp olive oil

  • 1 garlic grated

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 2 tbsp fresh dill

Cucumber Tomato Salad

  • 3/4 cu cucumber, thinly sliced

  • 1 cu halved cherry tomatoes

  • Drizzle olive oil

  • Salt to taste

Bowl Base

  • 1 cup rice

  • 2 Cups spinach

Fried Goat Cheese

  • 1-2 tbsp olive oil (or 1 egg)

  • 1/4 cu flour

  • 1/4 cu breadcrumbs

  • 1 Log of Goat Cheese - cut into 2-inch pieces 


  • Frozen falafel - choose how many you want to add - I did 2 for one bowl.

  • Note: If using frozen, it will need to be heated up. This can be done at any stage, I did mine after the tomato salad before putting the bowl together.



 Tzatziki Sauce

  1. Like I said earlier, I started with this first so I could let it chill. No one wants a warm dressing. At least I don't :)

  2. Grate the cucumber, press with paper towel to dry off. The thinner the slices the wetter it will be.

  3. Mix remaining ingredients together in a bowl. Chill until ready to serve.

  4. Makes one small to medium sized Tupperware container full

Cucumber Tomato Salad:

  1. Cut cucumber and tomato. Add in to bowl. Drizzle with olive oil and top generously with sea salt.

  2. Mix and set aside - to be added to the base once put together

Fried Goat Cheese

  1. Using three sperate bowls add the olive oil, flour and breadcrumbs and create a dipping line.

  2. Cut the goat cheese log in to about 1-inch pieces. Only cut how many you will use for your bowl.

  3. Flatten in to rounds

  4. Dip the cheese rounds into the oil on both sides, then the flour, then the breadcrumbs

  5. Heat a frying pan with a bit of oil - place the cheese on the pan

  6. Cook for a few minutes until fried and flip


  1. Cook rice, if not already cooked

  2. Add spinach to start, top with some rice - I did about 3 spoon-fulls, but you can edit to your liking

  3. Top the rice with the tomato cucumber salad

  4. Add the falafel - if using frozen you will need to preheat the falafel. You can do this now or before you put the bowl together

  5. Add the Fried goat cheese

  6. Drizzle tzatziki sauce on top

This is one of those dishes that punches you in the face with flavor and can be dressed up or down depending on your mood. Be warned, there are a lot of steps so it's not for someone that’s in a pinch. But if you're looking for something fresh and tasty this is your recipe.



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