Workout at Work

Having some sort of a fitness routine has always been important to me. When I say fitness, I don’t mean a long 45-minute shredding session, I simply mean doing something active that is not part of my normal activity.

I have always had some sort of a fitness routine. I worked in retail when I first started my career out of college, which meant I worked off hours. As a result, I was able to get workouts in on days off or days when I closed. I always found it hard to work out after working a full day’s shift standing so I didn’t usually work out when I was working a morning shift.

As my career shifted, my routine shifted as well. When I finally started a classic office job the idea of not having a day off in the middle of the week seemed daunting. At first, I was only working out on the weekends, but gradually I built up to some post work runs. Once I finally figured out my routine, the pandemic hit. Which from a commute standpoint was great… everything else not so much. Again, I adjusted and figured out my routine. Actually, working out was my only consistent routine which helped ground me during a very tumultuous time. I rolled with the punches throughout the majority of the pandemic and the early years post 2020, and adjusted my routine to my work environment, but at some point, I changed careers again and as a result my routine changed again.

For the most part I am remote, so I get to determine my workout schedule. However, there are a few times I have to go in to the office. My commute time is close to 2 hours, so you bet your bottom dollar I am not working out when I get home. Once again, I've had to adjust. 

Working out to me is so important. Obviously for the health benefits, but also as a stress reliever. I ger my major workouts in when I work remotely, but on the days, I come into the office I've had to get creative. It may seem a little silly, but it works for me.

I make sure I get my steps in… I walk to the bus in the morning and home in the evening. I also do some lunch time walks around the office building. My big activity push comes when I go to the bathroom, no pun intended.

Every time I go to the bathroom I do 10 squats. Depending on how adventurous I'm feeling I'll add in a lunge or two, I also do a few trunk twists. Sometimes I don't even need to use the restroom I just need to get up from my desk so might as well get something from it.

I know it's not a lot, but it's more than nothing. It makes me feel like I'm moving my body and doing something good for me in the few times I'm not chained to the desk. I also feel less guilty when I get home and immediately make my way to my couch.

Unfortunately, desk chair to 50 squats doesn’t roll off the tongue as easily as couch to 5k…. but I think we can make it a thing!


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