Interim Work Out Routine

As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm running a half marathon (!!!) in November. While that feels like a lifetime away, I know it really isn't and I need to start my prep game now! However, I do have a slight problem. I'm going to Scotland and Norway in July. OK first world problems aka not really a problem. But the problem for me is … How do I train for my half marathon if I'm going to have 2 weeks cut out… because I most definitely will not be running in Europe.

This is the plan I have developed for myself.

The plan I will be sticking to until the July Euro trip then once I'm back I'll start my proper half marathon training plan.

Monday - Run 3 Miles

I still need to get my endurance back up from being sick at the beginning of June and the only way I know how to do that is to run. Running is core theme of my interim training plan. Which makes sense because I'm training for a half… but I'm not going to deviate from the 3 miles just yet. The point of the three miles for me is to improve my endurance, maintaining a pace and general cardio.

Tuesday - Off / Work-Out At Work Schedule

I usually go into the suburban office on Tuesdays (a 2-hour commute) and it's difficult for me to balance a workout and commuting. So, I'll try to get my casual workout in. As I wrote before, on days I don’t get a proper work out in, I try to do mini workouts at work. Just to get some activity in during a day.

Wednesday - Another Run Day

I'll still do 3 miles. As I said I want to maintain my endurance and make sure my pace improves and stays the same. Plus, I have a good three-mile route I like to take so it's easy for me to get a run in the AM before work, even if I go into the city office.

Thursday - Strength Train

I really need to work on my strength training. This will become super important when I'm in the throes of training for the race. But I need to get my stamina back up. At some point I fell off the strength training wagon and it shows. Thursday will be my leg day. I'll do about 30 min of leg exercises. I plan to mix it up will I'm doing my interim training. I tend to get a bit stagnant if I do the same routine over and over. I'll create a set for myself consisting of leg strength training (squats, lunges, etc.) and mix it up for the next month before Europe. We will see what routine I come up with for my actual training.

Friday - More Strength Training

I'll Do about 30 minutes of exercises mixed between ab and arm workouts. I'll also get an hour walk in. Walking is important for me. I enjoy getting outside, getting fresh air and just moving in general so I try to get 10k steps as often as possible.

Saturday - Another Run. 3 Miles Again

I'll go longer if I feel like it but will probably stick with the three miles.

Sunday - OFF

I'll take this day to relax, recover and unwind from the week. Maybe do some stretching. Probably do some walking. But nothing too intense.


This is the structure I have set for now, but it may fluctuate slightly. Some of the strength training days may jump around but I'll try to work out 5 days a week. And I will also be sure to get a walk in. Pending inclement weather.

Wish me luck! Would also love to hear about your work out routines!


Falafel Gyros


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